Musika klase batean, Ikasleek beraien ahotsa nolakoa den ikasteko eta esperimentatzeko hurrengo ariketa hau proposatzen dizuet.
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh. Wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.
Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh. Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, the lion sleeps tonight.
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, the lion sleeps tonight.
Whuh whuh whuh wim-o-weh. Wee-ooh wim-o-weh wee-ooh
wim-o-weh wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.
Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.
Wee-ooh wim-o-weh. Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh
o-wim-o-weh o-wim-o-weh o-wim-weh.
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, the lion sleeps tonight.
Hush, my darling, don't fear, my darling, the lion sleeps tonight.
Whuh whuh whuh wim-o-weh. Wee-ooh wim-o-weh wee-ooh
wim-o-weh wee-ooh wim-o-weh.
Mota honetako bideo dibertigarri batekin, ikasleek ahots trukaketak zer diren ikasteko aukera izango dute. Bideoa ikusi eta abestia ikasiko dute. Ondoren bideoaren musika kendu eta ikasleek bideoari ahotsa jarriko diote.
Ariketa honen bitartez, ahotsaren erregistroak, intonazioak, bolumena, abiadura eta ahoskera landuko ditu.
Nola egin ariketa ? Klasea bi talde desberdinetan banatu dezakezu eta talde bakoitzak abestiaren ahots ezberdin bat egin dezake. Horren bitartez, ikaslea konturatuko da, bakoitzak erregistro desberdin bat duela. Ariketa honen bitartez, ikasleak gorputz adierazpena lantzeko aukera ere izango dute. Jarduera egiteko, dantza bat prestatu dezakete. Azkenik abestuz eta dantzatuz antzerki moduan aurkeztu behar izango dute.
Nahi izanez gero, musika tresnak ere erabil daitezke, ahotsari akonpainamendua eginez, edota eskema erritmikoak eginez.
Hona hemen “ in the jungle” abestiaren partitura.
1 comentario:
Ze polita =) Guk abesbatzan abesti hau egiten dugu eta oso polita geratzen da. Umeekin egiteko interesgarria litzateke.
Lehenengo, umeei filma jarri ahal zaie, eta gero abestia ikasarazi.
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